
b. 1986, HK.


Paulina Aguilera

Patient zero of CMD (compulsive making disorder) Never not working on something creative. Find more about my latest creative endeavor here


I'm a Design Thinking Consultant.

If your approach to innovation is to add yet another offering on your website or a new color to your product line, its because you are not asking the right questions.

Great innovations come from great questions. But you'll never get an actionable result without using the right methods.

Design Methods are a compilation of different techniques that offer a comprehensible approach to understand peoples' needs - what do they care about? what are their unspoken pains? where is their attention? and what do they expect from your brand/product/service? 

As a consultant, I won’t tell you the things that you and your team already know. I'm an expert on finding the methods that will turn your products into iconic symbols, and your services into joy-ride experiences. 

Beware, soon your brand will be so appealing, that you'll be licensing your logo to tattoo parlors. 

If you ready to have people make trophies out of your products and Instagram even the tiniest corner of your services, please contact me through the form below.

CV and portfolio, available upon request.